Youth Tournaments
The following youth programs/tournaments are available:
Youth 10 Pin
Youth Doubles – 10 Pin
The Youth Doubles Tournament consists of a league round that will run from October 27 to November 30, 2024 with the zone finals being held on December 7 or 8, 2024.
Each bowling centre may advance an unlimited number of doubles teams in each of the 3 age categories (bantam, junior and senior) to the zone finals.
Teams consist of 2 players with the highest average bowler in a league being teamed up with the lowest average bowler, the second-highest average bowler being teamed up with the second-lowest average bowler, and so on, until every bowlers has a partner.
This event is a doubles beat-your-average tournament. The team that advances is the one that bowls the most pins over a previously established league average. It is generally referred to as a high-low doubles tournament.
For results from the 2024 Regional/Provincial Finals, Click Here
The Youth Bowl Canada Championship, Provincial Finals will be held at Splitsville Riverport, Richmond on February 23, 2025 The gold medal winners will advance to the National Finals, May 5-7, 2025 at Gateway Entertainment Centre, Edmonton, Alberta
For 2025 Provincial Championship Results, Click Here
Adult Tournaments
The following adult programs/tournaments are available:
Adult 10 Pin
10 Pin World Cup
Bowl BC and Bowl Canada do not oversee this event
Bowl Canada Cup - 10 Pin
The Bowl Canada Cup is going to a virtual format. Please go to the Bowl Canada website for more info.
Senior 55+
Bert Hill Senior Classic
This event was originally called the Senior Citizens’ Mixed Team Tournament. Then, in 1992, it was renamed in honour of Bert Hill, a dedicated bowling volunteer for over 50 years. One of Bert’s most important contributions was conducting instruction clinics for new five pin bowlers in centres from one end of the Province to the other for over 30 years.
The Bert Hill Senior Classic is open to all bowlers 55 years of age and over and is a 5-player mixed team handicap (pins over average) tournament that goes to a provincial championship. We encourage all centres to get involved in this great event. If you are interested in this event encourage your centre to get their seniors involved.
The Provincial Championships will be held on April 30th, 2025 at Big Country Lanes, 100 Mile House
For a complete set of 2025 results, Click Here
Club 55+ Cup
The Bowl Canada Cup is going to a virtual format. Please go the the Bowl Canada website for more info.
BC Seniors Games – 55+
Bowl BC does not run this event. Please contact the BC Seniors Games organization directly to find out who the zone director for this event is in your area. Their website is